Our nation’s founders had disdain for democracy and majority rule.James Madison, in Federalist Paper No.10,said in a pure democracy,“there is nothing to check the inducement to sacrifice the weaker party or the obnoxious inpidual.”During the 1787 Constitutional Convention, Edmund Randolph said that“in tracing these evils to their origin every man had found it in the turbulence and follies of democracy.”……Chief Justice John Marshall added,“Between a balanced republic and a democracy, the difference is like that between order and chaos.”The founders knew that a de-mocracy would lead to the same kind of tyranny suffered under
High up on my list of annoyances are references to the United States as a democracy and the suggestion that Iraq should become a democracy.The word“democracy”appears in neither of our foun-ding documents—the Declaration of Independence nor the U.S.Constitution.
King George III. Their vision for us was a republic.
How is it decided who may harm whom?In a dictatorship, it’s the dictator who decides.In a democracy, it’s mob rule.How is it decided in a free society?In a free society, the question of who may harm whom in what ways is decided through private property rights.
索厄尔(Thomas Sowell,斯坦福大学胡佛研究所高级研究员):
Some might object to my calling welfare, Medicare, and farm handouts“theft”and prefer to delude themselves by calling them“income redistribution.”That being the case, might we give sanc-tion to government-sponsored rape by renaming it“compassion re-distribution”?
The only time I have left a court room with more respect for the law than I had going in was in a court in Hong Kong, when it was under British colonial rule.
The case involved a Chinese laborer accused of theft, an ac-cusation with considerable circumstantial evidence behind it.This case was presided over by a crusty old British judge, of upper-class demeanor and wearing the traditional white wig.He kept both lawyers on a short leash and let the witnesses know too that he had no tolerance for nonsense.
If rape is deemed immoral and a violation of an inpidual’s rights, then gang is no more moral or ethical.
It would be hard to find two inpiduals more different in background and status than the Chinese laborer on trial and the British judge in charge of the case.Yet race and class were not destiny, despite the current dogmas of our intelligentsia.What was clear from the outset was that the judge was determined to see that this man got a fair trial—no more and no less.In the end, the la-borer was acquitted.……
威廉斯(Walter E.Williams,美国乔治·梅森大学经济学教授及辛迪加专栏作家):
Democracy and freedom are too often confounded.Britain it-self did not have anything close to democracy until the Reform Act of 1832.But it had freedom long before that.
The fundamentals of freedom—limited government, separation of powers, an independent judiciary, free speech, jury trials—ex-isted in Britain for many generations before the franchise was ex-tended to most males.The whole spirit, and many of the phrases, of the constitution of the United States derive from British law and government.
Just as freedom can exist without democracy, so democracy can crush freedom.……
Today, the confusion between freedom and democracy leads far too many Americans, including those in high places, to seek to spread democracy around the world—in complete disregard of the circumstances of the particular countries.In some respects, we may be more dangerous to our friends than to our enemies, when we pressure them to set up at least the trappings of democracy.……
History suggest only that capitalism is a necessary condition for political freedom.Clearly it is not a sufficient condition.Fas-cist Italy and Fascist Spain, Germany at various times in the last seventy years, Japan before World Wars I and II, tsarist Russia in the decades before World War I—are all societies that cannot con-ceivably be described as politically free.Yet, in each, private en-terprise was the dominant form of economic organization.It is therefore clearly possible to have economic arrangements that are fundamentally capitalist and political arrangements that are not free.
The British were very wise to have given Hong Kong freedom.But they may also have been wise in not attempting to experiment with democracy, where the traditions needed for it did not exist.
Historical evidence speaks with a single voice on the relation between political freedom and a free market.I know of no example in time or place of a society that has been marked by a large meas-ure of political freedom, and that has not also used something com-parable to a free market to organize the bulk of economic activity.
Viewed as a means to the end of political freedom, economic arrangements are important because of their effect on the concen-tration or dispersion of power.The kind of economic organization that provides economic freedom directly, namely, competitive cap-italism, also promotes political freedom because it separates eco-nomic power from political power and in this way enables the one to offset the other.
弗里德曼(Milton Friedman,《资本主义与自由》作者):
It was not want, but ideas, that brought about the great revo-lution;chimerical ideas on the relations between labor and capital, extravagant theories as to the degree in which the government might interfere between the workingman and the employer, doctrines of ultra-centralization which had at last persuaded large numbers that it depended on the state not only to save them from want, but to place them in easy, comfortable circumstances.
I am not opposed to democracies.They may be great, they may be in accordance with the will of God, if they be free.What saddens me is, not that our society is democratic, but that the vices which we have inherited and acquired make it so difficult for us to obtain or to keep well-regulated liberty.And I know nothing so miserable as a democracy without liberty.
托克维尔(Alexis de Tocqueville,《美国的民主》作者):
It is hard to say that every man has not an equal right;but admit this equal right and equal power, and an immediate revolu-tion would ensue.In all the nations of Europe, the number of per-sons who have not a penny is double those who have a groat;admit all these to an equality of power, and you would soon see how the groats would be pided.
亚当斯(John Adams,《独立宣言》起草人之一,美国第一任副总统、第二任总统):